

Early treatment allows your orthodontist to:

  • Correct and guide the growth of your child’s jaw to help the permanent teeth come in straight
  • Regulate the width of the upper and lower arches
  • Create more space for crowded teeth
  • Avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions later in life
  • Address problems from thumb sucking habits and help improve minor speech problems

For parents, it’s not always easy to know if your youngster may need orthodontic treatment.

Here are a few things to look for that may mean your child needs to see us

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • A hard time chewing or biting food
  • Mouth breathing
  • Finger or thumb sucking
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth
  • Jaws that pop or make sounds when opening and closing
  • Teeth that come together abnormally, or do not come together at all
  • Jaws and teeth that are not proportionate to the rest of the face
  • Crowded front teeth around age seven or eight

Please contact our practice to schedule an appointment for an orthodontic evaluation. Early treatment now will give your son or daughter a healthy, beautiful smile for the future.


Mon8:00am to 4:30pm
Tue8:00am to 5:00pm
Wed8:00am to 5:00pm
Thu8:00am to 5:00pm
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